Xpress loans
Best Price Guarantee
- Easy Approval for Logbook Loans
- Up to UGX 10,000,000 payable in 24 months
- Swift Process - Get Approved in Just 24 Hours
What do I need to secure a Logbook Loan with MOGO?

What do I need to secure a Logbook Loan with MOGO?
To get a loan from Mogo, you need to meet these criteria:
- Original National ID or Passport
- Have a logbook in your name
- Age 23 - 70
Logbook Xpress loans in Uganda
How to get a loan
Customer feedback
MOGO - Best Price Guarantee for Logbook Loans

MOGO - Best Price Guarantee for Logbook Loans
Mogo is the leading vehicle financing company in Uganda.
Why pay more when you can pay less? Bring any active contract or a valid offer for car financing or a logbook loan, and MOGO promises a lower monthly payment. We challenge you to find a better offer in Uganda. Experience the best price guarantee at MOGO!
Logbook loans, also known as logbook lending, are secured loans using your vehicle's logbook. Access from 2,000,000 to 10,000,000 UGX within 24 hours and retain the right to keep driving your car.
This loan covers up to 65% of your car's value, regardless of its age, make, or model. Repay the loan with ease through affordable installments, choosing a repayment period of up to 3 years. The repayment schedule is on a monthly basis.
Our fast logbook loans for old or new cars are easy to secure and depend on a flexible credit history review. Apply online now or visit one of our branches to get started - Nakawa branch or Oasis Mall.
Experience the best in logbook loans with MOGO!